
little black man
strumming the chords of justice
under the political murals
in the busy street of new york
- art.
wedding bells and the priest
roses and sunshine
cakes and candies
all inside the frame of lens
- art.
the thin curve of her lips
black shiny hair
beautiful promises and hopes
written on the poet’s journal
- art.
a superhero sketched
in naïve crayons
clipped on the happy family’s
fridge full of food
- art.
the half-open gate of Theresienstadt
buried there
Indian ink washed on paper
Rear Entrance
- art.
a music video
shot on the debris of hopes
beauty of hell
hiding in the frames of paradise
- art.
haunted eyes of Sharbat Gula,
the war and the terror,
her anger masked by the
lens in the lensman’s hand
- art.
paradise camp
- art.